Five Ways You Can Protect Lake Monroe

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1642787304436{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}"]Protecting water quality in Lake Monroe requires taking action in the watershed and while visiting the lake.  Reduce the amount of sediment, nutrients, and bacteria reaching the lake by addressing their sources: leachate from failing septic systems, animal waste, fertilizer, bare soil, and trash.

  1. Maintain your septic system Have your septic system serviced at least once every three years. Remember to think at the sink – no fats, grease, solids, or harsh chemicals down the drain.
  2. Leave no traceWhen boating, observe no wake zones to protect the lakeshore.  Pack out your trash to protect wildlife and other lake visitors.  Minimize soil erosion when you hike by keeping your feet on the designated trails.
  3. Plant along waterwaysGrow native flowers, grasses, shrubs and trees along lakes and streams to stabilize the banks.  These plantings will also capture nutrients and sediment before they are washed into our waterways.
  4. Use fertilizer sparinglyPhosphorus is a pollutant that stimulates algae growth. Help avoid algal blooms in the lake by limiting fertilizer use.  Cover bare soil so sediment and nutrients stay in place instead of washing into nearby streams.
  5. Pick up after your petKeep the bacteria and nutrients from pet waste out of our swimming and drinking water by disposing of pet waste in the garbage.

Want to do more?  Become a member of Friends of Lake Monroe.  Your membership dues and donations help us protect and enhance Lake Monroe through science, advocacy, and citizen involvement.  We also provide volunteer opportunities for hands-on projects such as shoreline cleanups and water quality monitoring.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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